Our Phishing Monitor scans your domain and exposes dangerous URLs designed to trick your users. Stay ahead of threats with our comprehensive monitoring solution.
Cybercriminals are constantly creating fake websites that mimic yours. Our Phishing Monitor proactively finds these malicious URLs, keeping your users and your reputation safe.
Our Phishing Monitor doesn’t just scan your domain, it hunts down harmful URLs across the internet. Get a complete view of potential phishing risks in one easy-to-use dashboard.
Don’t become a statistic. Our Phishing Monitor helps you stay ahead of the curve and protects your business from costly attacks.
Your Reputation is Our Priority:
Phishing attacks can shatter customer trust. Our Phishing Monitor helps you maintain your reputation as a secure and reliable company by safeguarding your users’ data.
Phishing is a type of cyberattack where scammers create fake websites, emails, or text messages that look like they're from legitimate companies. They try to trick users into giving up sensitive information like login credentials, credit card numbers, or personal data.
Our Phishing Monitor continuously scans your domain and the wider internet to identify malicious URLs that could be used in phishing attacks against your users. We compile these dangerous URLs in an easy-to-manage dashboard, giving you full visibility into potential risks.
Many tools focus on protecting your email inbox. Our Phishing Monitor takes a broader approach, scanning the entire web to find phishing threats that might be lurking outside of your direct control. This proactive method gives you maximum protection.
Absolutely! Our dashboard provides detailed information about each detected URL, including screenshots and the potential risks.
Absolutely! Our dashboard provides detailed information about each detected URL, including screenshots and the potential risks.
Our dashboard includes tools to help you quickly report and take down malicious URLs. Plus, we offer resources and guidance to help you educate your users about the dangers of phishing.
Our system scans for new threats continuously, ensuring you have the most up-to-date protection against emerging phishing attacks.